
Food Processing

The non-stop world of food processing is geared around getting products safely from suppliers to retailers and consumers as quickly and cheaply as possible.

Bigmate’s AI and Machine Learning technology allows food processors to get the most out of their supply, their people, and their facilities for maximum revenue realisation.

Improve Throughput

Implementing Warny™ in workstation areas allows businesses to detect:

  • if there are empty meat/produce handling components (eg shackles/cones/hooks etc)

  • when a station is unoccupied and duration

This means the business can predict yield based on actual run time and true fill percentages.

Reduce Contamination

Hyperspectral cameras, teamed with Bigmate’s proprietary AI-powered HySpec algorithms allow businesses to:

  • Recognise known contaminants such as foreign bodies, faeces and bacteria

  • Raise coded alerts for immediate attention

  • Confidently perform quality control activities in real time.

Reduce Bacteria Growth

Hyperspectral cameras, teamed with Bigmate’s proprietary AI-powered HySpec algorithms and Thermy™ temperature tech allow businesses to:

  • Measure the core temperature of dense collections of meat (eg offcut bins)

  • Raise coded alerts for immediate attention

  • Confidently mitigate quality and health risks in hard-to-control situations in real time.

Improve Yield

Hyperspectral cameras, teamed with Bigmate’s proprietary AI-powered HySpec algorithms allow businesses to:

  • Recognise uncollected yield

  • Assign uncollected yield to station

  • Identify which manual cuts are more efficient according to station

  • Apply findings to training program practices and station assignments